Space center updates....

Today, 8/19, almost no one except management is wearing the mandatory face masks, especially with the CDC relaxing rules.

I checked my temp in the LCC fancy infrared reader and it said my temperature was 104 and flashed red at me to go home. I cold only laugh at 104. So they are not even keeping that calibrated anymore.

This morning we rolled the SLS Artemis 1 to the launch pad for the final time. (Launch is August 29---maybe)

At least 200,000 visitors expected to the space coast for this unmanned launch around the moon.

Sunrise at the launch pad this morning

I will shrink the photo tomorrow.

Back at the space center, and was just taken off the mandatory 20 hours overtime a week (after two years) But then the center is in a frenzy. Roll out to the launch pad of the fully stacked SLS rocket is next month & launch sometime in May? (not sure)

My photo taken just before the July 1st roll back to the VAB for final launch preps

Above photo:

The maiden roll out of the SLS rocket setting down at launch pad 39B, three hours before dawn & ocean fog floating in.

Photo credit: Mine! 03/18/22

I took this photo from the 16th floor of the VAB.

The person standing on the right test stand presents an indication of how large the rocket is.

Then for a second comparison, this is a mural on the wall of the space center of the SLS rocket. wow.

Just tossed in this SpaceX pad photo on launch pad 39A. I took the photo on the way to the other pad.

The white object is the tool used to stand the Falcon rockets upright. (as I type this, the night launch is in 14 minutes)

older notes:

SpaceX Falcon launch on KSC, NASA Causeway, rocket smoke trail and alligator ignoring the fireworks.

May 15 2022, all COVID restrictions lifted. What a run.

Previous update

Update 11 months working from home and the 'Company' stated my work was critical and I was to return to working at Kennedy Space Center in person.....

Said "yes" Returned to the SSPF building and within a month most of the third floor (including me) got COVID-19.

And I brought it home to my wife.  Took about ten days of feeling poor and all is back to normal. However the company sent everyone home again.

So I am working from home again, for a little while. However the space center is getting ever busier with the SLS rocket being stacked in the VAB and the Space X and Boeing space crafts coming on line.

However I have been ordered back on Mandatory 20 hours a week overtime.

Update: Back on the Space Center again. Still on the mandatory 60 hour work week.

The pass is from the temperature tool in the Launch Control Center

This page is from last summer and working from home with turkeys. Feel free skip!

Last year the space center shut it's doors because of COVID-19.

They sent me home with a laptop to keep working.

I was sort of in shock.

Not because of the virus, or the laptop but because I had been working 'off and on' a mandatory 60 work week for almost two years straight.

When not explicit mandatory, the 60 hours was requested.


The new Artemis moon program reminds of the early years of the space shuttle and the unlimited hours until the Challenger accident.

Because of the virus....

Suddenly I had time to see the sunrise at home again and watch the turkeys fly down from their roost. "Florida Dawn"

Another Florida Sunrise


The virus pandemic swept the globe and all the sudden I was back home with the turkeys.

Practicing social distancing from people.

But placed squarely back into the realm of pet turkeys. Their mating, the turkey nests the poults, the Tom's ritual battles & the hens squawking to lay an egg.

A 40 hour work week is a culture shock.

I actually had a two day weekend! A bizarre concept.

Suddenly I have time again for the turkey website that I had to ignore for the past two years.

I have time for the back yard again. (I made time for the garden) but had to sacrifice some kayak and fishing days to plant the garden.

Coffee and a spectacular sunrise.

The hen waiting for just enough daylight to fly down safely

Suddenly I was working from home till COVID runs its course.

Florida Turkey Sunrise

Staying home, Social Distancing from humans

(Tom Turkeys fighting around the manure cart)

Enjoying the turkeys come off their night roost!

The Space Center.....

Two years of non stop overtime at the Space Center.

EM1, Artemis, Orion, SLS and Gateway.

Boeing and SpaceX are gearing up to launch humans from the cape again. Landing on the Moon again by 2024?

The space center is booming like the last days of the Space Shuttle Program.

Working from home for the duration of the pandemic. 

Test fit of the Mobile Launch tower at Launch Pad 39A

I snapped this photo outside of the Space Station Processing Facility. SLS segment

But back home with the turkeys......

Cup of coffee in the yard to watch the sunrise at home and watch the birds come off their roost. To my surprise, two males began fighting long before the sunrise.

Not even sun up and this boy is showing off his bling


These to Bantam Chicks were 10 days late.

COVID-19 turkey poult. Two of the other eggs have pipped air holes.

Just in the last two days I have allowed the hens to keep their babies out all day and lock them up at night.

The proud father of some of the chicks.

A 'naked-neck' rooster that someone tossed in our yard

Our first turkeys of 2020 are due in a few days. 

However we keep finding our chickens with hidden nests. The chicks in the above photo did not hatch out with the other chicks. We collected and placed the un hatched the eggs in the incubator. But surprisingly they did not hatch for TEN DAYS after the other chicks.

A problem of egg dropping by other hens.

And today I inspected the turkey hen who has the eggs due in seven days. I lifted her to find....more chicken eggs with the turkey eggs.

Turkeys and Chickens

Back to coffee at dawn & turkey watching 

Sunrise in Florida and a Black Spanish mix confronts a Bourbon Red mix.

Two mutts getting ready for daylight.

Staying home for COVID-19, I have a little time for the silly stuff again.

Or maybe I do have a fever.

"Turkey Planet" from my Turkey Space Alien Page

Time to do yard work again. And the fire is doing double duty.

I have flint and agate under the fire to "heat treat" the stone to make it easier to Flintknap

And a little time for carving and flintknapping some stone from under the fire pit.

(The stone is petrified Coral and handle is pine lighter-knot)

Time to sniff the flowers....

And another COVID-19 Dawn

And an orphan baby for May 2020

Invasion of wild Ibis

Guardian of the Flock. Tara the Wolfhound.

Although she soon jumped up and playfully chased them because she is still a puppy mentally.

And the turkeys make noise when chased......

Took in this rescue rooster. "Willard" He is tiny and tough!

Notice the "Kayakingksc" logo on some of the photos?

With the overtime canceled again, suddenly I had time again for my other web site   (Link navigates away from this site)

As park of that site I did a page on my family's Horse Boarding Stables in eastern Missouri. Stonebridge Stables

The other web site is a collection of:

Kayaking, Florida history, the Space Center past and future.

A dying lagoon, a lost people, lost treasures, retired space ships, remote beaches, wildlife and rocket viewing, the Eastern Test Range and return to the moon!

Manatees, alligators, surfing, endurance kayak racing, a pipeline leak and a ghost or two.

Update, still working from home.

Suspect the space center will re-open soon.

However back in January I was placed back on mandatory 20 hour a week overtime. (We are going back to the moon.) Or as one engineer tells me. "We are going for real this time." 

Return HOME from the COVID-19 page


My next book, available on Amazon, February 2025

Eastern Missouri, a little radioactive waste and a possible ghost, what could go wrong?

Do you need the perfect gift?

For pet lovers around the globe, "It's a Matter of Luck" is a collection of heart warming stories of horse rescues from the slaughterhouse. 

Available on Amazon: 

Kim Ryba

It's a Matter of Luck: Inspirational, Heartfelt Stories of Horses Given a Second Chance.

by Kim Ryba & Lina T. Lindgren

Warning: This book may cause your eyes to water -in a good way. (speaking from experience after reading it)

Please give Kim and Lina a heartfelt review on Amazon!

Author Bruce Ryba

Author Bruce Ryba at Kennedy Space Center Launch Pad 39B & Artemis 1. "We are going to the Moon!"

Author's discussion (that's me) on You Tube of a book review on Amazon

My Facebook page Pet Turkeys You can always check in and say hello!

For the video versions of information, please check out my YouTube Channel (Turkeys, KSC, Flintknapping, dive stories etc.)

Book One of Florida History:

Freedoms Quest Struggle for the Northern Frontier and lost tales of old Florida

Fiction & language warning.

Available on Amazon

End of Empire

Desperate times call for bold action.
In a desperate move to retain Florida and protect the treasure-laden galleons on their dangerous return journey to Europe, the King of Spain issues a royal decree offering refuge to all English slaves who escape Florida and pick up a musket to defend the coquina walls of Saint Augustine.
In another bold gamble, the King offers refuge to the dissatisfied Indian nations of the southeast who will take up arms against the English.
Clans, traumatized by war and disease, cross the Spanish Frontier to settle the cattle-rich land and burned missions of Florida.

Follow the descendants of the conquistador Louis Castillo in remote Spanish Florida, a wildland swept by diseases, hurricanes, and northern invasions.

 Book Two: Available on Amazon